NPR did a story on how More Young People Are Moving Away From Religion . In the piece David Greene asks six "young people" (they're all about my age) about their move away from the religion they were raised with. I think you should go read or listen to the article. If you are not moving away from religion then you should think about why. If your religion is not meaningful or true then it is about time you give it up and look for things that are meaningful and true. My heart is moved toward those in my generation who are seeking answers and not quite getting them. I took the time this morning to consider how I would respond to the concerns of these six people. I share these thoughts now addressed directly to them.: Thank you all for openly sharing part of your story with the world. I'm offering these responses not to offend or take advantage of your openness but simply to continue the discussion. None of you are alone in your doubts, but not everyone comes to the sam...
You can tell a lot about a man by looking at his desk. See if you can spot the following items: Thick academic looking books to make me feel smart Quirky nose-shaped tissue dispenser USB powered Secret knock candy dispenser I built myself using Arduino technology Ancient clock radio Spare capo just in case someone shows up in my office needing to quickly change keys Books I actually use stacked horizontally on top of books I rarely use Remote for my remotely controlled electrical outlet (completely unnecessary, but everything wireless is better right?) Bag of Skittles to refill candy dispenser Spoon for eating soup at my desk Contigo coffee cup that will keep my coffee warm until about 11:34 Powered USB hub with seven USB connections Wireless Mouse Christmas lights with fade effect 5-year-old laptop still awesome Bluetooth connected speaker streaming Pandora Family pictures I also have a mood light I built myself using Picaxe technology. ...
Today is Protestant Reformation Day. I’ve also been reminded that it is Halloween and my friend Dave’s Birthday. On top of all that, there is a giant meteorological event being dubbed “Frankenstorm” and an impending presidential vote of evidently unheard-of historical consequence. I’d like to take this opportunity to address what I see as a major problem facing America (a.k.a. U.S.A.). This problem is fear. random art I found on the side of the road, unrelated to this post I’ll start with the presidential race as an example of why fear is a big problem for us. This election is being trumpeted as a fork in the road for this country. I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard someone say something like, “This is the most important presidential election in our lifetime.” Let’s pause and reflect on that logic for a moment. What is that phrase meant to portray? It implies that if the election goes the wrong way then the unthinkable will happen. Never mind that the unthinkab...
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