the book that found me

A book found me twice so I decided to take notice and read it. Actually I won a set of Christmas books on a blog a subscribe to, and I decided to give the books away as Bunco prizes (I know I'm so resourceful). Well the other day while L and I were eating lunch the doorbell rang, and the UPS man dropped off another set of the same books I had won before. I took it as a sign.

The book I am reading is The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother's Memoir, and I am really enjoying the author Katrina Kenison as she writes about the adventure of being a mom and her journeys with her two boys into adolescence. I know I have quite a way to go until I experience that transition; however, I can't forget what one of my bridesmaids wrote on a card she gave me the day I was married to sweet Bennett,

"Live in every moment, life picks up speed from here ..."

That's pretty much the theme of the book I am currently reading, and what I have found to be so true since I read Shauna's card that day, over four years ago.

As we sit around and wait for little F's arrival (the doctor says any day now, but his due date is Feb. 2nd), I really want to live in the moment appreciating every book I get to read with L, every conversation I get to have with my husband, and every time I am able to gather with my church family to pray.

"live in every moment, life picks up speed from here..."


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