Prayer Needs

I was reminded recently that we haven't shared specific prayer needs in a while. I'm glad that you're paying attention! Here's the latest.

Prayer Update from North Idaho
  • Please pray for children's ministry at NorthStar. We have a lot of babies in our church but not many older kids.
  • We are planning to do a major emphasis on VBS this summer. Please pray that it will bring children and their families to Christ.
  • Praise the Lord our church member serving in India finished her service and made it home safely.
  • Pray for our pastor's wife, Cindy, who is just now moving to Idaho after being apart for 9 months.
  • Pray for our small group ministry. We have about 45 people involved, but we need more leadership.
  • Pray about the future of our building process. We have a good start on a building fund. We have some land, but its not a lot. We have other options, but we need to know what God wants us to do.
Thank you for your prayers for our church. Also, here are some prayers requests for our family.
  • Please pray for our children.
  • That they will be healthy.
  • More importantly that they will learn to passionately love and fear God Almighty.
  • Pray for our marriage, that it will be strong against the challenges it might face.
  • Pray for our finances, that we will be good stewards of the blessings God pours out for us.
  • Pray for our hearts, that they will be bound more and more by Christ and freed more and more from the things of this world.
Thanks again! We love you guys.

Please pray for the group of Idahoans under custody in Haiti.


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