dreaming of a white Christmas

We are back from Mississippi, and it was a great trip. L had a blast with her cousins and meeting all kinds of new people. She also experienced some southern traditions like fudge, sweet tea, and cracking pecans on Nana and Grandpa's farm!

While we were home Bennett was able to share with FBC Houston, our supporting church, "Life in the Big Potato" from L's perspective. It was such an encouraging and emotional time as we were able to thank them for their amazing support over the past 3 1/2 years.

This will be our first Christmas in Idaho, and Bennett's first Christmas away from his family. We decided since baby boy is coming soon it would be wiser to stay close to home. We're praying for a white Christmas centered on our Savior spent with close friends and our NorthStar Family.

and some other things we're looking forward to this month:

Christmas dinner with other churches in our association
turning the big "30" this month
seeing the beautiful Christmas lights at the Resort
Christmas service with NorthStar (December 23rd)
Celebrating 4 years of marriage at the end of the month

What are you looking forward to this Christmas?


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