Please pray for direction as we try to lead our church forward. Ask God to direct us concerning: The youth ministry. We have a few who are committed. Children's ministry. We are lacking any real programming for school-aged kids. Life Groups. We need more leadership and more training. Preaching ministry. I need to deliver a true word from God each week. Prayer ministry. We need greater commitment to this from the church, and our times of prayer need to grow in depth. Missions. We have several opportunities to be a part of some international trips. Who should go on which ones? Evangelism. We need to become a church that is increasingly sharing the Gospel with our community. Campus. I feel like there needs to be outreach to the NIC campus. This list of prayer requests is a list of things that we don't know how to handle. It is scary for me to think about, but it is exciting to wonder what God is going to do about each one of these situations.