Have you been keeping up with Passion World Tour?

If not, then you are missing out. If you are not familiar with Passion, it is a movement of college students to spread their passion for God to the ends of the earth. Louie Giglio is the man with the vision, but some of the most respected names in Evangelicaldom have been involved. John Piper, Beth Moore, Voddie Baucham, Francis Chan, Charlie Hall, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, David Crowder, the list goes on.

Anyway, this is the real deal and instead of doing more big conferences in the US that would be profitable and a guaranteed success, they have decided to go to difficult places. Instead of doing one big passion conference they are doing many of them around the world at great cost with no guarantee that they will have much of a crowd. Well, the result so far has been amazing. God is at work all over the world and the 268Blog is a great reminder of that. If you have a passion for the nations (i.e. you are a follower of Christ) then you MUST go read at least one entry.


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