May Showers

Bennett: It has been flooding here. I know it is not the best
picture, but that picnic table used to be about 30 feet from the
water's edge. One of the largest snow amounts in history combined with
a fast melt-off has caused all of our rivers lakes and streams to swell
and over flow. They say there hasn't been flooding like this since
back in 1997. That's not that long ago is it? That's when I graduated
high school.

May has been a busy month. We've had mother's day and communion,
and we're gearing up for summer time. Our pastor search team is
diligently seeking the man God would have lead our church and I have
been preaching about the Life of Jesus. Good subject, don't you think?

We're trying something new for NorthStar this summer. We're having Dinner and Prayer
each Wednesday night. That's where we'll come together for an evening
meal then have a prayer service to lift up our church, our community,
our nation, and our world. I don't know what will happen with this
time, but I am very excited about it.

We're also trying something new when it comes to VBS. We're
stepping out from the traditional "in-house" vacation Bible School to
try putting together some teams that can do Backyard Bible Clubs. That
means we want to serve children and families who would not normally
come to our facility for VBS. I don't think many of our church members
have ever done anything like this before. There are a lot of questions
about how to pull this off. Please pray that God would lead us all the

Finally, please continue to pray for our preparations for
Ironman. We have a very large team coming to serve during Ironman.
Please pray that we will find transportation and get all their
volunteer work coordinated in time.


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