United, Invited, Excited

The Unite conference went well. We took 7 students and 4 adults. I don't know how many were there total; I heard the number 800 tossed around, but this is unofficial. I taught two breakout sessions on missions. The first one was open only to High School Students and the room was packed with about 45 or more students. The second one was open to all and I had about 7 7th graders. ?? The adult breakouts included talks from Bo Boshers and Laurie Polich. Both are nationally renowned authors and speakers. Jana will have to testify on the merits of their sessions. I was gratified by the fact that the final message given by Mark Moder at the conclusion of the conference sounded like he was preaching the material from my class. In other words we were on the same page and God definitely had a specific message to share with these students.
I should also mention that we went to Silverwood Theme Park and people made fun of me for being dressed too warmly, but I felt quite comfy in the 45 degree weather.

I preached the third sermon in our current series on the 7 truths from Experiencing God. The third truth is God Invites. Everything went well, and I finished on time. I would post it, but there was a problem with the recording. We may get it worked out. I guess I can post my notes to see if you have any problems with my exposition.

This week Pastor Scott returns from his journey to the orient. Everyone is excited about seeing him and hearing about his adventures. Preliminary reports are that he had a very challenging time, but one he will never forget.

Please pray for us this month. We have a lot of things to do, places to go. It would be very easy to get distracted and stressed about the calendar.

  • Next week is our fall revival
  • Next week Scott is traveling to Mississippi
  • Next week some of our ladies are going to a women's conference
  • The week after next we are going to our state convention in Burley, Idaho
  • Scott is in charge of the pastor's conference, and we are leading worship
  • Then that next weekend Jana and I are going to a marriage conference.
  • Then, I think, it will start to snow and things really pick up...


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