Ohh Canada!

We survived our trip to Canada, but not without a few stitches. I mean that literally.

I can't go into too much detail about the trip for security reasons--not our security, the security of some of the people we worked with. I can tell you that we were providing programing for kids and youth at a conference for adult believers. These are a special group of believers who have come to Christ out of difficult circumstances, and whose community will not easily accept their decision.

As always with a trip like this, there are way more details than you'd like to know about. I'll share a few. We took six people. We rode in my truck which holds EXACTLY six people. It took us 8 hours to get there. When we passed through the border the guard didn't even ask for ID. PTL!

The adults had three two-hour sessions (they usually lasted fifteen or thirty minutes longer than scheduled) during which we kept the kids. This made for extremely long days for us. As usual there were behavior issues and many challenges with this group. It was definitely a cross-cultural experience in more ways than one. These were Canadians who had moved from overseas. Some refugees, some immigrants, some on work visas. It was such a pleasure to be around them!

One major challenge we faced was that on our first night (Thursday) Jana became very sick with a stomach virus. Then during the night she fell and got a bad cut on her nose. We had to go to the doctor to get some stitches. She was feeling better by Saturday and she'll have the stitches out soon. Thanks for your prayers!

Overall, we had a great time filled with laughter and great spiritual challenge. We are very excited about what God is doing in Canada and proud that He used our church in such a unique way.


  1. Looking forward to a more-detailed account--sounds like a very interesting trip! Please don't strike Jana again...she'll do better, really she will! Jana, hope you're ok from your ordeal. Love you both sooooooo much!

  2. Ha ha! Your dad is funny Bennett! Tell Jana that I'm showing everyone we know the pic of her with the stitches that is on my cell phone! Just kidding! Just showed Deva! I want to see pics of Canada though!


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