Warfare: Physical, spiritual, technological...

So today's subject is warfare. It is all around us.

My brother-in-law has shipped out for some training before he goes back to serve in Iraq. Please keep in in your prayers.

At NorthStar we have been preaching on spiritual warfare. I guess this Sunday will be the 5th and last Sermon on the topic.

Scott left on two-weeks of vacation last week. The day he left we discovered two of our computers had "gone out" as they say. One of them is the one we use for our Power Point. The other one is the one we use for financials, enrollment, running the coppier, and various other office functions. As you can imagine this is a huge problem for us. We are currently working on recovering the memory from the hard drive!

Needless to say, we need your prayers.


  1. yikes, that totally stinks...when technology goes down you feel so...in capable.

    i don't think i've ever heard a church sermon series on spiritual warfare, i'm sure it's often very interesting and brings out a lot of conversation.


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