
Hey there, faithful blog readers.  I see its been over a month since we have updated.  Here's what's up.

This summer we have been challenging the church to take part in a series of tasks we are calling Journey 2010.  So far this has included doing a drive-through prayer for a neighborhood, praying through the phone book, praying for a stranger, and handing out a Bible.  These are not tasks meant to boost our legalistic tendencies but rather meant to help us encourage one another to good deeds.  Its so hard to schedule things together during the summer, we've given the church tasks they can accomplish on their own time yet still be doing it together. 

We have recently formed a pastor search team and will begin the process of finding and naming a new pastor soon.  Please pray for our search team and church as they seek to discover God's will for our church

I've been leading a weekly music activity for kids, creatively named "KidSing".  Basically, parents bring their kids and sing songs and play instruments.  We also have stories and other activities.  It has been a lot of fun.  So far we've had four kids come (all under 3), which is about all we can handle!

Our family is doing well.  The daughter turned 2 and had quite the blowout of a "pool party".  We had 3 kiddie pools, 2 sprinklers, and about 15 toddlers in our backyard.  The son is doing well too.  We're all healthy at the moment and trying to enjoy summer as much as possible while it lasts!


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