
NorthStar men have been helping to sheet rock a sister church in Rose Lake, ID.  They've worked three Saturdays and hope to finish in another couple of weeks.  Please pray for our guys as we finish up helping this North Idaho church.  Also pray for Cross Roads Baptist Church and Pastor Joe Masterson, as they finish up their building project and work on reaching people in the Silver Valley.

NorthStar still meets in a rented building that is a great blessing to us.  It is not, however, where most of the church envisions being forever.  We have property in a great area that was given to us for the purpose of building a church building.  We have quite a bit of money saved, but we are still far from having all we need.  There are a lot of opinions about what needs to happen.  There are also some fears about the future of our church.  So on one hand there is great possibility.  On the other there is a lot to worry about.

Please pray that it will become clear to us what we should do, and in the mean time that above all else, we will be focused on our mission of building the church body in Christ.


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