Hi friends, Its been an eventful couple of weeks for the Sandersons. God has blessed us with a new addition to our family. Our son was born last week 8 lbs. 21 inches long. He is a healthy baby and enjoys sleeping, eating, and long walks on the beach (in his dreams). Thank you for all of your prayers, well-wishes, and support. Our church family is taking great care of us, providing meals and offering to babysit Laurel when mommy needs a break. Our regular families are making plans to visit us soon. Jana's mom is here now for a week which is a great help and encouragement to us. Our daughter is doing pretty good with the adjustments. She seems to like having a little brother as long as it doesn't interfere with here accustomed way of life. As a result of the birth I've been out of pocket for a week and I feel a little disconnected, but church was good yesterday. We had about 70 people with several of them being new faces. Our youth band filled in because our worshi...