
Showing posts from February, 2010


Hi folks, We would appreciate your prayers.  Our church is going through a rough patch.  I can't share much now, but the light of Christ is shining through it all, and I believe He will do some great things!

Sanderson Family

Hi friends, Its been an eventful couple of weeks for the Sandersons.  God has blessed us with a new addition to our family.  Our son was born last week 8 lbs. 21 inches long.  He is a healthy baby and enjoys sleeping, eating, and long walks on the beach (in his dreams).  Thank you for all of your prayers, well-wishes, and support. Our church family is taking great care of us, providing meals and offering to babysit Laurel when mommy needs a break.  Our regular families are making plans to visit us soon.  Jana's mom is here now for a week which is a great help and encouragement to us.  Our daughter is doing pretty good with the adjustments.  She seems to like having a little brother as long as it doesn't interfere with here accustomed way of life. As a result of the birth I've been out of pocket for a week and I feel a little disconnected, but church was good yesterday.  We had about 70 people with several of them being new faces.  Our youth band filled in because our worshi...

And Here's a video Watch this video.  It is some of the American's being transported.  They are pounced on my media and practically manhandled.  Scary situation.

Why its hard to trust the media

I've never been a part of a national news story.  I can only hope that I never will be.  After hearing about the 10 Americans arrested in Haiti I started following the story online.  You see, one of those 10 is a guy I know through ministry here in Idaho.  Before they left he expressed a strong desire and calling from God to take action.  His heart was moved with compassion at what he saw on the news and knew that he had to do something to help. I couldn't have been more surprised when I read headlines like these: Haiti earthquake: One third of Haiti orphans 'kidnapped' by American church ... US citizens face Haiti kidnapping charges Haiti could send US 'child-traffickers' home for trial Baptist "Human Trafficking" Update: Some Haitian Children Weren't Orphans Sense of superiority drove church to 'help' Haitian children If you have the time, you can go read those articles from early on in the situation, but just by the headlines you can te...

Prayer Needs

I was reminded recently that we haven't shared specific prayer needs in a while. I'm glad that you're paying attention! Here's the latest. Prayer Update from North Idaho Please pray for children's ministry at NorthStar. We have a lot of babies in our church but not many older kids. We are planning to do a major emphasis on VBS this summer. Please pray that it will bring children and their families to Christ. Praise the Lord our church member serving in India finished her service and made it home safely. Pray for our pastor's wife, Cindy, who is just now moving to Idaho after being apart for 9 months. Pray for our small group ministry. We have about 45 people involved, but we need more leadership. Pray about the future of our building process. We have a good start on a building fund. We have some land, but its not a lot. We have other options, but we need to know what God wants us to do. Thank you for your prayers for our church. Also, here are some pra...