Longer Days

Well, I needed a post to replace the goofy picture of me that Jana posted.  So I thought I'd let you know how things are going.  All of the snow is melted down in the valleys, and the mountains that surround us are slowly losing their snow as well.  It hasn't really warmed up, but the sun is shining.

Speaking of the sun, its been coming up earlier and earlier each day.  Jana and I have fortified our bedroom against the encroaching rays.  However, our daughter's room has been much more susceptible to light leaking through the window.  This is bad news because she will wake up at any clue of daylight.   Our mornings have been starting at 5:30, 5:15, 5:00.  Our first attempt to thwart the sun's rays was to put some beach towels over the curtain.  That had a limited effect.  Next Jana used a huge blanket that covered most of the window.  She went further and bought some blackout material to add to the curtains.  Unfortunately, the sun is still sliding right through the edges of the window serving as a wake up call for our baby.  I am currently formulating a plan involving hot glue, velcro, and some pad locks that should finally put a stop to the sun's invading, early morning cheeriness.

We have to come up with something.  The sun won't go down 'til after nine soon, and it will be coming up at 4:30.  Baby need's her beauty sleep!  And so do we.


  1. I think there may still be a piece of dark in your old bedroom.....should I pack it up and send it to you? (hehe--will anyone but you and I understand that?) Well, with the sun shining longer, it's gotta warm up soon, so hang in there! Of course, as you get older, the blood sorta thins out, you know.......soon, very soon, May 9 will be here and the big 3-OH will be upon you!!!!! (how was that for sneaking an invitation for birthday greetings into this innocuous remark?)

  2. I know what your going through, My husband bought these foil pieces from ziggys just the size of our window and stick it up in between the blinds and window and that seems to help plus it keep it cooler if you leave in during the day. good luck, we all want a good sleep.

  3. Aluminum foil put over the window with blue painters tape should be a cheap and effective means to keep the light out. Coming from a guy who has worked nights. Blankets towels and various other items still let light in. Aaron


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