
You may be wondering how things are going with us.

The church as a whole seems to be doing pretty well. I mean, we are filling up the "pews" (they are actually padded chairs that hook together) each Sunday morning. About a third of our people are involved in small groups. There are about 15-20 children involved on Sunday morning. Our youth group is only consistently around 6 or so. But we have a good group of adults who want to help with the youth. We are looking forward to starting many mentoring relationships.

Our building fund is up to around $300,000 ( I think). That means that we are ready to move forward with plans for a new building. We still have to come up with another $300,000 before all is said and done, but we are far enough along to begin the process, which is very exciting.

We have a new Associational Missionary or whatever we call it here. Joe Boney will be DOM for our association and the one south of us. Whispering Pines, I think it is called.

Jana and I are part of an informal collection of mission mobilizers in the convention and had a chance to discuss ideas and vision for the Utah/Idaho convention in the area of missions education and mobilization.

Since I mentioned that, here is a question that I left with after our last meeting. If you were planting a brand new church what would your priority be in the area of missions education and mobilization? I don't know how many church planters frequent this site, but maybe you have looked at your own church's education program and wondered where people will learn about IMB, NAMB, WMU, Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, William Carey, and all the rest. When everything is competing for time and attention how can a pastor make sure the most important things remain the most important?

Last Sunday our children put on a wonderful Christmas production that shared the Gospel in dram and song. This Wednesday we will go caroling. Next Sunday we will have morning and evening services to observe Christmas Eve.

Jana and I are flying out Christmas Eve morning. Please pray we make our way home safely and on time!

Also pray for our church. There are many families in need. There are many families with dysfunctional relationships that need to be healed. For many Christmas is the only time of year they are around their lost family members. Pray that God will give them the chance to share the hope of Christ with the ones they love.


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